Friday, April 8, 2011

A Little Sliver of Hell

That's right a little sliver of Hell is living under the fingernail of my ring finger on my left hand. Sliver of Hell = Splinter for those of you who may not read my Facebook.

A few days ago I was irritated with my husband because he didn't take the trash out. He then piled more crap on top of the can so it was practically overflowing. In all fairness he was sick with a stomach virus and hadn't felt up to dealing with it, even so I was irritated. So I huffed over to the trash can and pushed the garbage down so I could lift the bag out without all of the funk falling out all over the place. In my process, which was filled with huffs, sighs, grumbles about having to do everything and answering a million questions from Ben, I somehow slid my finger down the door frame and ended up with the sliver of Hell under my nail. I let a few colorful words fly before I remembered that my son was standing right there (we need one of those word bleep things that they use on TV).

After a few minutes it didn't hurt so much. I tried to get the splinter out but even though I could feel it, I couldn't see it. So I left it alone. I didn't think much of it over the next few days except when I banged on something and it hurt. Well today, it suddenly hurt a lot. My finger was hot and when *gross out warning* I pushed on the side of my finger pus came out. EWWWW!

So now I have to go to the doctor tomorrow (actually today since it's after midnight). I'm still awake because I dread going to the doctor. I don't care if I have to go because I'm sick but this is different. I have a feeling it's going to involve needles (OMG) or a scalpel (double OMG). Anyone who has known me for a while knows that me no likey needles!

I'll cry like a baby I just know it. I'm a total wuss about stuff like this. I try not to be, really I do. I can't help that my heart starts racing and I feel all panicky just thinking about it. I'm a freak what can I say.

Why did it have to be my ring finger? It would have been at least a little bit funny if it had been my middle finger. Then when people ask which finger hurts I could flip them off as I showed them!