Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wonder if a straight jacket would help.....

Tonight I gave Jillian a bath and this is how it went.

1. Start bath water.
2. Gather towel, wash cloth, pajamas and lotion.
3. Tackle giggling baby and wrestle clothes and diaper off of her.
4. Laugh out loud at baby who is very happy to be naked.
5. Grab naked baby who is now crawling away and carry her to the tub.
6. Secure baby in tub and wash her hair and body and then let her play for a bit.
7. Clean up resulting mess of bath tub play time.
8. Use baby's towel to dry myself off.
9. Remove slippery, sweet smelling baby from tub and wrap in damp towel.
10. Lay baby and towel on the living room floor (we don't use fancy schmancy changing tables in this house!) and grab lotion.
11. Grab baby from where ever she's crawled off to and lay her back on towel.
12. Keep wrestling her back onto the towel as you apply lotion.
13. Cap lotion, grab diaper.
14. Capture baby once again and put her back on the towel.
15. Put diaper under baby and make 5 attempts at wrestling her into it.
16. Give up for a bit and let her crawl around naked.
17. Recapture baby and make attempt #6 at diapering.
18. Get diaper on baby even if it's crooked consider it a success. When she leaks in the middle of the night make daddy change her.
19. Tickle baby and blow raspberries on her belly and soak up the sound of her sweet laugh.
20. Attempt to wrangle giggly baby into pajamas.
21. Slip jammies over her head, slip arms in, and then lay her down.
22. Lay her down again.
23. Lay her down again.
24. Finally say "Okay you win" and give up for the time being.
25. Make a bottle for baby, feed her and breath in her clean baby smell.
26. Enjoy the fact that she's actually being still for a minute.
27. Button jammies after she's asleep and pray you don't wake her up.
28. Tell your husband "next time it's your turn" even though you know that next time it'll be all you again!

I considered finding a straight jacket but I think I need it more than she does!