Monday, February 8, 2010

In Need of a Break

I love being a mom. It's the best thing I've ever done with my life and I have no regrets about having kids. They are amazing and I love them more than words could ever say. Only another parent could really understand that.

As much as I love them there are days where I really could use a break. We had been in the house since Thursday and today is Monday. We had a ton of snow so we couldn't really go anywhere. Jeremy had to work Friday and all day Sunday so Sunday he wasn't around to help with the kids at all.

Jillian hasn't been sleeping well and now refuses her pacifier at night and wants to use me instead. This leads to me being woken up every 1/2 hour or so. I've been desperate for some sleep but haven't even managed to get them to nap at the same time so I could take at least a quick nap too.

Today we did get out of the house. It was nice but it is a lot of work to take two little ones out alone. We went to the doctor's office for a quick baby check up. While we were there Ben needed a time out because he wouldn't stop getting into everything. So when the Dr walked in Ben was sitting in a chair crying his eyes out. He redeemed himself though and was extra cute in the grocery store when we stopped there on the way home. Of course he fell asleep in the car which led to no real nap which led to everything going downhill from there.

We made some Valentine's cards for his grandparents and his teacher and he kept trying to write on the table but we had fun anyway. After that he needed a nap but refused to take one. I fed the baby and got her to sleep and decided to make dinner. I made lasagna with meat just for Jeremy because I know he loves it. He's been working hard and I wanted to make him something nice. I get started and not 5 minutes into Jillian wakes up. She won't settle back down so I have to finish while she cries like crazy. Meanwhile, Ben is getting into everything and whining. Jeremy finally walks in the door and goes to walk the dog. I feed Jillian so she goes back to sleep, finish up dinner and put it in the oven. Then Jeremy's phone goes off and he's off to work again. That phone rings and he goes running no matter what is going on at home that moment.

Ben has a complete meltdown when his Daddy leaves again so I sent him into his room where he falls asleep. Dinner was ready so I sit down by myself to eat some lasagna. I got the fork halfway to my mouth and Jillian wakes up. So I eat one handed while holding her in the other. She kept fussing so I gave up and walked away from the table still hungry.

Ben heard Jillian crying so he woke up crying. I finally get Jillian back to sleep and work on settling Ben down. He didn't want to play. He didn't want to eat and he didn't want to take a bath. Finally, I got a bath ready anyway and he screamed bloody murder. Jeremy finally got back home but I made him go eat because I knew he was starving. I got Ben into the tub and he calmed down. He still refused to eat though even though we offered several things. I did half of the mountain of dishes that had accumulated while Jeremy tried to get Ben to sleep but then Jillian woke up. Ben refused to go to sleep so he got up to play. Jeremy finished the dishes while I fed the baby.

Finally, we got Ben to bed and Jillian fell asleep. I want to go to bed but I know the second I move Jillian she's going to wake up and we'll start this process all over again. Even though I'm exhausted I just want to enjoy the quiet for a few minutes before I poke the bear! She's due for a diaper change and needs to get into her pajamas so I know she won't sleep through all of that. I hope I'm not in for another night of being a human pacifier.