Monday, May 24, 2010

Yep I'm one of "those" parents

There are so many things that you think you know before you become a parent and so many things that you swear you'll never do and things you'll swear you'll always do. Then you have a child and reality sets in.

I had seen 2, 3, and 4 year olds using pacifiers and I swore I'd never be one of "those" parents who'd allow a child that old to use a pacifier. Well reality smacked me over the head for that one. Ben will be 3 in a week and a half and he still uses one. Yes, really. He loves that stupid thing and hasn't willingly given it up. I was hoping that one day he'd just wake up and decide that he didn't want it anymore. I know, I crack myself up with this stuff.

I know I should take it away from him but I've been able to console myself with research articles showing that children generally have a need to suck until they are about 3 years old. Now not all children are like that and some probably have the need but have been denied.

Well now that Ben is about to turn 3 I've decided it really is time for the pacifier to go. I'm not sure how much he needs it now. I think it's used more out of habit than anything. It does bring him comfort which is why I haven't been able to bring myself to take it away from him yet. I have a hard time denying him something that comforts him and makes him happy. However, he's getting the age where he's learned other forms of comfort and I also don't want other kids to make fun of him.

Okay, I won't lie....I don't want other parents to make fun of ME. Yep, it's mostly about me and my level of discomfort/embarrassment over. I just feel like people are wagging their judgey little finger behind my back just like I used to do to other moms. Doing the wagging certainly is much more fun than being wagged at!

Tomorrow or the very latest on Tuesday I will make a trip to Walmart to purchase some cars from Cars the movie (which Ben is currently obsessed with). The "Binky Fairy" will be making a visit. We've already told Ben all about her. If he leaves his binkies under his pillow the "Binky Fairy" will come and take them away to give to a new baby and as a reward she'll leave him one car for each pacifier. He seems excited about this so we're going to bite the bullet and do it.

I foresee several tear filled sleepless nights in my future but I will be strong. I will be strong. I will be strong.....right? I'm such a sucker for that kids tears. Haha sucker.....get it? It's late and I'm tired. Nervous and tired. Wish us luck!