Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bye Bye Diapers! Hello Big Boy Undies!

A few months ago we started potty training. It went okay but not great and then we all got sick so potty training was put on the back burner. Then it was easy to find more reasons to keep putting it off. Potty training is frustrating and a lot of work. If Ben were still an only child it wouldn't be so hard but it seemed that he'd tell me he had to go as soon as I sat down to feed Jillian or when I was changing her diaper so I couldn't run him to the bathroom right away.

So today when he got up we ditched the diaper and put on the big boy undies. He was reluctant at first and I had to pull out all 10 million pairs of underwear that he has and talk about each one and let him pick one. He picked one with trucks on it (big surprise there!). Okay underwear is on...we're good to go!

I take him to the bathroom and he reluctantly sits on the potty. Nothing happens but at least he sat on it. All through the morning we took trips to go sit on the potty but none of them resulted in anything going INTO the potty. We didn't have any accidents at that point so at least that was good!

I had to put a Pull Up on him at nap time and he napped for several hours. As soon as he got up he went right into underwear. Made a potty stop. Nothing. Played for a few hours and watched some TV....still nothing. Jeremy calls to say he's going to be late. Great....Now I have to cook dinner while dealing with the kids.

I take Ben to the bathroom before I start cooking and he still won't go. I start cooking. Jillian is in her high chair and she starts fussing. I've got pancakes on the griddle and eggs on the stove and Ben is smashing trucks together scaring Jillian. I ask him to stop. Stop. STOP!!!!!!! He looks me straight in the eye and does it again. I send him to his room. He doesn't make it there. I hear him fall to the living room floor in a big pile of 3 year old drama and tears. Fine, he can stay there while I finish cooking before I burn something. Mere seconds later I hear a pitiful "Mommy." He comes back to the kitchen and I could tell by the look on his face that he had peed. He was made and went into the living room and peed on the carpet!

Lovely, now what? Do I turn everything off in the middle of cooking to go clean the pee out of the carpet? Do I leave it cooking while I clean the pee as fast as possible? Do I finish cooking while the pee soaks into the carpet? Don't forget that Jillian is still crying in her high chair!

I decide to finish cooking, send Ben for a new pair of underwear, have him take off the wet ones, help him into the new ones, clean up pee, wash hands, serve dinner. Jillian wouldn't stop fussing so I ended up having cold eggs and soggy pancakes for dinner. Yum.

We try going to the potty again but no luck. I decide to vacuum the living room which Ben hates. He sits on my chair clutching his blanket and suddenly I hear "uh oh." What now! He peed on MY chair. Finish vacuuming and clean pee off chair. Try potty again. He wants to keep sitting there because he really wants to poop and earn a new Hot Wheels car. I leave him there to take care of Jillian. He calls for me every 30 seconds to tell me he pooped.

Uh nope! No poop no car kid! Finally, after 25 minutes he peed! I danced like an idiot, high fived him, rewarded him with a sticker of his choice and 2 M&Ms. Then it was bedtime. The end of potty training for day 1. Thank goodness!

They have people who will train dogs. They should have people who will come to your house and potty train your kid. I'd pay for that. Seriously.