Friday, April 16, 2010

Nap Time...Oh Glorious Nap Time

I love my children. I love cuddling with them on the couch every morning. I love getting them dressed and ready for the day. I love playing games and attacking them with the "tickle bug." I even love making lunch for Ben (except when he picks something, I make it and then he refuses to eat). I also love nap time.

Some days they both nap at the same time. Actually most days their naps at least overlap some. There are days when I try to take a nap during their nap time. That rarely works out though but when it does I crash on the couch or better yet I nap with Ben. He is a good nap buddy. He's such a snuggle bug.

Most days though I try to get something to eat and I get some uninterrupted non guilty computer time. I usually do some laundry or get a few of the quieter chores done. I can't do anything noisy because both of them are light sleepers so anything that makes much noise is out of the question.

I have to admit that I do look forward to nap time. The hardest thing for me when it comes to being a mom is the noise level. I've never done well with lots of noise. I've never even been the type who likes to blast music. I don't like loud parties and loud places. For some reason it makes me feel panicky and that's actually something I've never really admitted to anyone other than my husband. Concerts I can usually handle but even then by the end I'm usually very ready for it to be over. Working in classrooms was hard for me too because of the noise that 20-some young children can create.

So once nap time rolls around my brain and my ears are ready for a break. I feel the same way at night by the time everyone goes to bed. Once they all go to sleep (Jeremy included) I turn off the TV and just soak up the silence. It's the quietest time of the day and I need that.

Nap time should be ending in a few minutes. I can hear both of them stirring. I'm ready for the flurry of activity that will follow though. Waking up from naps usually brings demands for diaper changes and snacks. Then the count down to Daddy coming home begins!