Sunday, February 21, 2010


Why do weekends always pass so quickly? I don't even work outside the home and yet I always look forward to the weekends, especially the ones when Jeremy isn't on call. It's just nice when we have some uninterrupted family time. It's also nice to have an extra pair of hands for a while. Plus I know Ben misses his Dad while he's at work so it's good for them to get some time together. Jillian is too young to really care either way I think. As long as her food source (me) is present that's all she really cares about!

Tomorrow will be Monday again and with that comes taking Ben back and forth to school a few times, several speech therapy appointments and all of the housecleaning and laundry that I put off over the weekend. It also means not being able to get even a little bit of time to sleep in.

Oh well 5 more days until the weekend!