Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dare I Say It?

I think Ben is potty trained. I'm almost afraid to type that out for fear that the second I think it and say it he'll regress for one reason or another. He's really been doing great though! He doesn't really have any accidents at home. He had a few last week at nursery school but I think it was because he was nervous about telling them he had to go. Plus their potty is bigger and someone has to hold onto him so his little tushy doesn't go for a swim!

We had our fair share of accidents at home for a few days. I was brave and went right for the big boy undies instead of doing Pull ups (we used those for nap and bedtime). I'm sure my carpet didn't appreciate it. This reminds me....I should write a thank you note to the Spot Shot company because that stuff rocks!

I didn't know what to do when he peed on the carpet. I didn't want to make him feel bad about it but it did start to get annoying. It's not like with a dog and you can just rub their face in it or something. Well I guess I could but that would ruin my chances at winning that "Mom of the Year" title I'm going for! Not to mention that would be a DYFS worthy call! So I cleaned it up and reminded him that "next time you have to pee pee on the potty because Elmo does not like to be peed on."

I'm so excited to be down to one kid in diapers! I hardly have to buy any because I mostly cloth diaper Jillian anyway! Can you say SAVINGS!

I can't believe how much my little guy is growing up though. He is so funny and smart. Even on days when he's dangling from my last nerve he never ceases to make me smile.

I tell him every night when he goes to bed "I love you to the moon and back." Tonight I laid with him to get him to sleep. He rolled over to face me and before I could say a word he put his sweet little hand on my cheek and said "I wuf you to the moon back Mommy" and then he kissed my forehead like I always do to him. Tears. I cried. I couldn't help it. I felt like that scene in The Grinch where his heart grew 2 sizes that day. I really thought mine might just explode right out of my chest.