Wednesday, March 9, 2011

*taps invisible microphone* Is this thing on?

I love my children. I love my husband. I do not like their selective hearing ability. As a matter of fact it just very well send me into one of those cozy backward jackets and into a padded cell.

Ben is the worst lately. I feel like I am talking to myself most days. I tell him to do something or to STOP doing something and I am met with *blank stare* and then he continues on either doing what I told him to stop doing or not doing what I told him to do.

I don't like to yell. I don't like to be the mean mom but some days I feel like I have no choice. I think this child has lost his mind of the last few weeks and I'm about to lose mine! Part of it is his age and I keep reminding myself that he's only testing me and this too shall pass. The other part of it though is he has the listening capabilities of his daddy. I swear that man can turn his ears off and on. I could tell him something 3 times and then later he'll say I never told him. If I counted up all of the "Huhs and whats" that came out of his mouth during our over 10 years of marriage.....well I'm not even sure I could count that high.

It's days like these that I think of how you hear about how people in many decades past had a cocktail in the evening. It was like a home version of happy hour. I'm thinking that those people must have had children and that maybe they were on to something. I should start some kind of movement to bring back Happy Hour the Home Edition.


Krista Eger said...

Nate used to be the master ignorer. At first I didn't realize he was ignoring me, but then I realized he was. I used to yell at him in frustration a lot and Phil as well, but I found that when I stopped yelling and started talking to him calmly with zero frustration or tone of upset in my voice that he actually started to listen. So if he doesn't listen I say "oh no I guess you need to go to time out because you're not *doing whatever I ask him to do*" I just put him in his room to think and when he calms down and acts nice (after his 3 minutes is up) then I let him out. It has really made a world of a difference. If he gets upset for going to time out I tell him "I'm so sorry buddy I know it's hard to go to time out, but that's what happens when you don't listen to mommy".
He behaves a lot better in general. He still has rough moments and I still get really upset, but overall I've seen a lot of improvement!

Unknown said...

OMG!! i SOOOO get what you mean! Jess does that too!! I could be talking to her about something important and she just goes off and talks about something else like it is no big deal of what i was telling her! One morning I told her 4 times to STOP doing something and she would look right at me and do it anyway...lets just say that the she talked to the corner after that! Just a kid thing that all we can hope for is they grow out of it! I make Jess repeat to me what i just said to see if she is listening now!