Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Mommy Wars

One of the morning shows (Good Morning America or The Today Show) did a story about this this morning. I knew exactly what they meant because they were talking about online mommy wars. We often hear about cyber bullying involving teens but surprisingly (or maybe not surprisingly) it often occurs between grown women and those grown women are most often moms.

I'm part of several online groups. It's part of what helps keep me from losing my mind. I love being home with the kids but I do need some adult interaction and that's how I get it! Anyway, in the years that I've been a part of the online community I've seen my fair share of mama drama. (I may or may not have taken part on occasion....I admit nothing).

Unfortunately, there are moms out there who seem to enjoy cutting other moms down in order to make themselves feel better. They practically beat other moms over the head with their opinions and judgments. It can be tough on a postpartum mom especially. I know I've been guilty of it a time or two and now I really try harder to watch what I say. Being a mom isn't easy and I don't want to make it harder for anyone.

I have to admit though that I tend to become Judgey McJudgerson when it comes to certain things. There are some things that I'll just never understand. I don't understand when people just let their babies cry to try to teach them a lesson. I am by no means a perfect mom but my kids know when they cry that I'll be there. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night. It's my job and my pleasure to soothe away the bad dreams, nurse them through a fever or hold them just because they need to be held. Yes, I do believe babies and young children NEED to be held just like they need to eat and sleep.

I also feel myself channeling Judge Judy when people are extremely harsh with their children and expect more from them then they should. There are so many people who seem to be in such a rush for their children to grow up. Hence the rush to force them to sleep through the night, hold their own bottle (don't get me started on bottle propping) and start solid foods. Babies are little for such a short time. I don't understand when moms don't want to soak up that baby time.

I know that no matter what I do I'll screw up in some way or another. We all do. Then once the kids are teenagers we can't do anything right! I have enough of my own mommy guilt so I don't need another Mommy adding to that and I don't need to add to it for anyone else either.

Being a mom is such a special thing. It's a shame that it often turns into a competition.