Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life gets a little busy

I haven't blogged in a while. I've started my own little "business" making hair bows. I've actually made some money which is awesome. It's cut into my blogging time lately though because it's hard to do much work on it when the kids are awake so I work when they're sleeping which is also when I'd usually blog.

On top of all of that Jillian and I have gone back and forth being sick so she's often needier than usual and waking a lot at night and I haven't been feeling that great myself.

October is here and for some reason this month is jam packed with stuff. I sold hair bows last weekend at a children's resale and that was a lot to get ready for. This coming weekend we have a wedding to go to on Saturday and then another reception to go to on Sunday. Next weekend I have another sale for hair bows. The weekend after that is the only weekend we don't have anything planned for yet. Then the 30th is Jillian's first birthday party. I've tried to put that out of my mind as much as possible because I'm just not ready for her to turn one.

All of that on top of the fact that my daughter is half human and half monkey! She can now climb up onto the coffee table and she's attempting to climb onto everything else. She gets into everything. If anyone leaves anything within her grasp she'll get it! She is so much more active then Ben was at this age. She's cruising the furniture and I won't be surprised if she starts walking before her birthday. She's growing so fast!

Okay now I need to get to bed because Ben has school in the morning and I have a feeling it's going to be another restless night with Jillian.


Krista Eger said...

If Ben wasn't that active and she is maybe I'll be lucky and get the opposite of Nate. He still gets into everything, climbs on everything, etc. He has always been crazy crazy! I hope Audrey is more mellow!