Friday, May 21, 2010

Remote Control for Life

Wouldn't it be great if life came with a remote control? I think the remote control is one of the best inventions ever but it would be nice if your life came with one.

Think about how wonderful it would be if you could pause or use slow motion on the really wonderful moments in life. Rewind would be great so that you could go back and revisit those wonderful moments anytime you wanted. What moments would you go back to revisit? I'd go back to my wedding day so I could enjoy it more. The day is such a blur for me because it was so exciting. I felt like I had so much to do though that I didn't take as much time to relax and it enjoy it as I should have. Plus, it's been nearly 10 years now so time has faded a few of the memories.

I'd also go back to the births of both of my kids. Even though I experienced intense physical pain on those days they were still 2 of the most amazing days in my life. The moments where I first gazed into their eyes would be a moment I rewind back to again and again.

There are other features on the remote that would come in handy. I mean, how great would it be to fast forward through sitting in traffic or through a boring meeting or work day. As a teenager you could fast forward through all of those annoying lectures from your parents!

The mute button would be pretty nice to have sometimes as well. I wouldn't mind having that button on days when the noise level in my house gets a little to intense for me. Today, for instance, Ben was having the mother of all meltdowns. Kicking. Screaming. Thrashing. He covered all bases! I could have hit the mute button and enjoyed some silence while he vented his frustration.

I find myself wishing more and more for the pause button though. It occurred to me tonight that in less than 2 weeks my baby boy is going to be three years old. How is that possible? Wasn't it just yesterday that he took his first steps, a week ago that he rolled over for the first time and a month ago that they first placed him in my arms? Where did 3 years go?

I love watching him grow and learn. I really do. But there are times when it occurs to me that with each new thing that he learns it means that he is growing to need me less and less. While I know that that is our ultimate goal as parents it's still an emotional thing to think about.

I still love my parents and need them in my life very much but I'm long past the days of snuggling in my mom's lap or having one of them scratch my back when I'm sick or sad to make me feel better. As a parent myself I know appreciate how special those moments are because I know they won't last forever. There will come a day when Ben won't want to sit on my lap any more. I'll miss that so for now I think I'll soak up as much of it as I can!

So, if anyone has any ideas on how to make this remote control thing happen let me know!