Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sweet Potato Shower

Over the last few weeks Jillian has entered the wonderful world of solid foods. It's one of my favorite milestones even if that does seem weird. I love watching them taste things for the very first time. One of my funniest memories of when Ben was a baby was when he tried peas for the first time. Oh the looks he gave me! If looks can kill I surely would have been dead right there on my ugly kitchen floor.

Jillian has tried most of the basic baby foods so far. She likes the fruits and the orange veggies. She tolerates green beans but shares her brother's opinion on peas although she at least didn't look at me like I had completely betrayed her when I fed her the first bite.

Today for dinner she had sweet potatoes. She kept opening her mouth like a little birdie! I spooned those sweet potatoes in as fast as she would eat them. She was happy for the first time today. She's got a cold and I think her teeth are hurting so it hasn't been a very good day. Anyway, I was getting lots of sweet potato smiles! And then it happened. I got my very first sweet potato shower.

My beautiful, darling baby girl decided that it would be the perfect time to blow some raspberries at me. I spooned in a bite and *plllllbbbbbbttttttt* orange sweet potatoes EVERYWHERE! She even got some right in my eye. I cleaned myself off, cleaned her off and cautiously fed her another bite. Went right down without a mess! Good! Next bite ......good! Next bite *plllllbbbbttttt* and big smile! My little girl thinks she's a comedian! Anyone remember that comedian guy Gallagher? He would get on stage and make a giant mess by smashing watermelons and other stuff sending it spraying out over the audience. That's what it felt like!

Oh well, at least for a few minutes today I got to see her smile! Tomorrow will be a better day because if it isn't I quit!