Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lost: If Found Please Return

I've apparently misplaced the last 6 months. If you happen to find them I'd appreciate their return and I'll gladly reward you!

I'm not quite sure what happened. I blinked at some point and the next thing I knew 6 months were gone. That's how long it's been since Jillian was born (6 months and almost 4 days to be exact). According to the calendar that's how long it's been but that's sure not what it feels like. It doesn't feel like it could be any more than just a couple of weeks maybe two months at most.

How did this happen? How did my little baby girl turn into a the baby with 2 new teeth. How did she become the baby that can roll halfway across the living room? How is it possible that I've looked at that beautiful face every day for the last 6 months and my heart has exploded yet? I feel like it might explode every time I look at her or her brother.

I feel like at this rate by this time next year she'll be 18! I wish life came with a remote control. That way I could pause things for a little while or rewind back to the special moments any time I want. Of course I also wouldn't mind being able to fast forward occasionally. I would love to have a fast forward button during one of Ben's temper tantrums!

If anyone happens to find the last 6 months please contact me! I'd really like to know where it went.