Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mommy Jobs

Mom's have more jobs and more responsibilities than any other job that I can think of. There are some that I love and consider a true blessing to be able to perform. Then there are the others. The ones that I dread doing. I know for some moms that's changing diapers so they play the "whoever smells it changes it" game with their partner. I know for some other it's getting up in the middle of the night so they'll pretend to sleep through the baby crying hoping that their partner will get up and get the baby. Neither of those things really bother me. I'm not one that you'll hear complaining about getting up in the middle of night unless it's been one of those nights where I haven't really gotten any sleep.

Mom Jobs that I Love

*Bathtime-I don't usually give Ben a bath any more because Jeremy does that but I'm the one who gives the baby a bath. I love it because she gives me big happy smiles while she's in the tub. She rarely cries in there and seems to enjoy. Plus she smells so good when she gets out!

*Breastfeeding-It's difficult sometimes and there are days that I want to give up but I really do love the close contact and bonding. I grew her for 9 months and I like that my life is still able to sustain hers even though she is now separate from me.

*Reading/Learning/Playing-I love reading books to the kids. I've always loved to read and I hope that they will take after me in that aspect. I love teaching them new things and playing with them.

*Comforting-I don't like when they're sick but I do love the extra love and nurturing I can give them during that time. When Ben is sick he always wants to snuggle and I love that.

Mommy Jobs that I Hate

*Cutting fingernails/toenails-Oh man I hate this with a passion. When they are really young their nails are so small that it seems like with one little slip you could cut off an entire finger. Plus they wiggle and it's hard to snip a moving target. Then they get older like Ben and fight you about it. I have to tackle him to the floor, sit on, pin his hand to the floor and cut those nails, then pin the other arm down and do those. It's like a wrestling match.

*Taking them to the Doctor for shots-This one is pretty self explanatory. What mom likes to see their baby in pain and crying? Not to mention that now there is so much controversy over what is in those shots and what potential problems they could cause.

*Cleaning diaper explosions-Most diapers don't even phase me anymore and I don't really mind changing them. However, there are those few explosive diapers that I wish I could run away from! They're the ones that require clothes to be washed and for the baby to be hosed off in the shower! Yuck!